Pre set template (seed) file in ADCW based on the Managed WorkSpace variable
Currently MS_DESIGNSEED workspace variable can set seed file as template when using no wizard, however that variable does not set template if you use a Wizard. Organization have different seed files that they could apply based on the project or ev...
It's be very useful to have the ability to create links to PW Web that always points to the latest revision of the documents. This would be used in processes, procedures and such. Currently the links seem to use the object ID which changes when a ...
Rules Engine could have an option in the configuration to define the version creation as an abstract document. Depending on process of customer, he can define if the creation will be as the default of ProjectWise or an Abstract Document
We have a List tab and a Spatial tab We have room to add more tab at the top. Search result could be display there instead of taking the list tab Selecting multiple documents could be list in on eof those extra tab so we can modify in batch multip...
ContextWe have two interface ( A and B), each having a different set of attribute. We also have two View V1 and V2 Under the PW explorer: If we choose the combination V1+A All the columns will be displayed and the name will be the label name If we...