Request is to embed requirements management to ProjectWise Design Integration along wth change management.
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB version
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managing.Please add this function. Thank you
Once we launch the advanced Wizard, we are not able not able to change the interface to capture more attributes at the document creation. Request is to allow Interface change. In the attach, the wrong interface show and we are not able to enter do...
Consolidate separate tabs in "Create a document" into a single dialog
The create a document dialog that appears when you try to copy a file on top of another file with the same name, is difficult for users to use. Having file naming on a separate tab is almost never noticed by users. Switching between the tabs to ma...
Each time we make a change to the distribution matrix, we keep an history We will require a field to document the change made to the matrix. The field should work like the comment we can add to a document.
Make a transmission evolve ( traceability of a communication lifecycle)
Often a transmission start with a general communication which evolve into an RFI who will then turn into a transmission. Request to to allow this type of evolution in our communications to keep traceability on the decision. ( understand how a deci...