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Infrastructure Cloud

Showing 285

Rename the Type in the forms once created

When creating new Types in forms it would be to be able to remain the custom Type for the form whether it be to fix a typo or rename a Type to make it easier to find or use. The current workaround which is to create a new Type with the new or corr...
about 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Multiple Project Tabs

It would be nice to add the capability to have tabs across the top of the project home page showing other projects that you have opened that day so if you have to jump from one project to another it would be easier
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 3 Will not implement

Automatic assignment in workflow based on selected value

Would like when clicking a workflow action like "Send for Review" it to automatically assign the Assign To fieldto a specific value based on a form field value criteria. If the criteria is not met, then the Assign To stays the default as it does t...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 2 Already exists

Display Related Forms in Document Information Panel

Add a feature to the document information/attributes panel that allows users to see if there is any form related to the current document. This will improve accessibility and efficiency by providing a quick reference to associated forms directly fr...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Work Inbox 0 Needs review

Dock the model list on a separate screen

It would be highly beneficial if when moving the undocked list which is usually displayed to the right of the screen, it could be placed on another screen. This will free up the space and make it far easier for the user to navigate. Most users com...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Design Task Email Notifications

When sending assigning a design task to an individual the email notification says that an ISSUE has been assigned to the recipient. For clarity the email notifications should reflect the item type that is being assigned. For instance a Design Task...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Planned

Add document attributes (e.g. Checked out to) to Windows Explorer through ProjectWise Drive on-demand sync

This would allow users to work completely in the windows space, as opposed to having to use the web portal to find out who has the document checked out
over 4 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud 2 Planned

Dimensions are not persistent in 3D Model Views

When using the measure tool. Oklahoma DOT is looking for a way to make measurements and dimensions persistent in the view. For example, if you place dimension and then saved the view. Once the leave the working session the saved view has a picture...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 2 Future consideration

Allow Bulk Change to Issues/Form Entries

We require the ability to Relate issues/form entries and link to Project Documents in bulk within ProjectWise connect, using the tick box function. The tick box currently only allows to bulk change state or assign to a user.
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Future consideration

A self serve method for users to look up administrators for projects they are members of.

In ProjectWise Support, we see a lot of cases where a user has been added to a connect/365/BIC project and does not have the correct access. There is quite a bit of time consumed with the back and forth of trying to determine who an admin for the ...
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review