Would like when clicking a workflow action like "Send for Review" it to automatically assign the Assign To fieldto a specific value based on a form field value criteria. If the criteria is not met, then the Assign To stays the default as it does today.
an issue was created and the DISCIPLINE field was selected as "Drainage".
After the assigned user completes their changes, they click "Send for Review".
This is when the Assign To in the popup should automatically be populated with "Role: Engineer".
When BIC is able to have custom roles, this would be very useful as the specific Role that would be assigned would be the specific discipline lead role on the project.
You can use Scripts to accomplish this!
Please see the linked page for more info.
That is an interesting use case. Have you considered using the scripts in the Forms to build such automation? More info here: https://connect-formmanager.bentley.com/docs/index.html?p=Scripts