It would be very nice to be able to open multiple files at the same time, for example choose three different models, pdfs or word files and open them at the same time in different sessions.
User Interface: Allowing mouse buttons for "Page Forward" and "Page Back" to navigate folders
The page forward and back buttons on a mouse should navigate folders within projectwise. These mouse buttons are typically found on the side of a mouse for the thumb to control, but sometimes they're integrated into the mouse wheel so tilting the ...
Windows 11 no longer has Windows Photo Viewer and instead uses a new app that does not integrate the same way. Since it seems MS is moving towards these applications, it would be great it PW could support this new association.
Allowing the Internal Project Administrator to add & delete individual external users to the project. If "project manager" from the external organization leaves the project or their company, I should be able to delete just that user and not ha...
Use a search field to select the project when saving a document from Office applications
When you create a new document for a project in e.g. Word/excel and want to save it directly in PWE, in this context searching for projects from a long industry-wide list is challenging. Would it be possible for this to have a project search field...
This option in PW Explorer as a right-click menu selection option is very useful to our users. It would be very beneficial to also have this functionality in PW 365.