PW365 interface multivalue field inserting new value
Users who fulfil the document reference card could insert new values into a multivalue field. This is possible through explorer but just few people inside our organization has access to it so it could be useful for those who add attribute values t...
I can manually resize the Left Panel, There should be a Quick button to Expand/ Collapse this panel like ACROBAT and AutoCAD to save time and settings as required
Versions will automatically be labeled with A, B, C. There should be an option to choose for versions to be automatically numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4....
PW WEB Integration with AutoCAD, Advanced Steel, etc.
ProjectWise WEB does not integrate with AutoCAD files? All of our attributes are not showing on our CAD's and have to be updated on the CAD only, hence our Drafting teams that use WEB and Drive only are not populating these fields (which is unders...
Notification for the sender of response like "All transmittal responses sended"
When someone send a response:The person sending the responses should receive a notification in their email with a summary of the responses sent, similar to the notification received by the issuer "All transmittal responses received."
Add the ability to create issues and Saved Views in the "2D Views" content in Design Review.
Having the Saved View and Issue functionality with the 2D Views section will allow consistency with how users and reviewers communicate from the model and 2D content.
Request is to allow better column header format. Example for column where the title is longer than the attribut, allow line return The filter icon and the sort icon take a lot of place on the header Be able to have a more compact layout will help ...
Remove ack required to view attachments in General Correspondence
Remove the requirement for General Correspondence to be acknowledged by all recipients marked "ack required" in order to view attachments, or enable a delegate function.
To my understanding the selected columns and their order in the ISR are saved locally through cookies. It would be really helpful to enable setting an intial setup for the columns for all project participants. This would prevent having to reconfig...