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Versions will be numbered sequentially by default

Versions will automatically be labeled with A, B, C. There should be an option to choose for versions to be automatically numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4....
9 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud 0 Needs review

Issues Resolution - Select more than one status field to filter column on

Select multiple status(es) when filtering the list - It would be helpful to select multiple options (not just a single option) to give greater control in filtering this Issue Register/Resolution display list
almost 3 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Notification for the sender of response like "All transmittal responses sended"

When someone send a response:The person sending the responses should receive a notification in their email with a summary of the responses sent, similar to the notification received by the issuer "All transmittal responses received."
9 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Remove ack required to view attachments in General Correspondence

Remove the requirement for General Correspondence to be acknowledged by all recipients marked "ack required" in order to view attachments, or enable a delegate function.
over 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 2 Future consideration

ISR - Set or save columns for issues globally

To my understanding the selected columns and their order in the ISR are saved locally through cookies. It would be really helpful to enable setting an intial setup for the columns for all project participants. This would prevent having to reconfig...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Model tree selected model information to the information widget

When selecting a model the information widget will display the details in regards to the that model in the information widget. This will negate the user hunting for an element and then being able to view the files properties. These are the propert...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Provide Environment SQL Debug messages

Adding Select (SQL) queries to PW Environment attributes typically fails. The textbox does not highlight syntax errors. In execution, the error messages do not provide any details of the error that happened server-side. This difficulties debugging...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Integrate AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey Databases

This is a frequent user request. We had talked about this several months ago with Sergey. The Survey Databases can be handled decently with PW flat sets which makes me think a similar zip/unzip tool like we use for .CivilDSProj files might work.
almost 6 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Planned

Integrate the AutoCAD Standards Checker

Multiple users and RFPs have requested this feature. It will allow users to check Xrefs and Models for layers, fonts, dimension styles, etc.
almost 6 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Future consideration

Manage version and revison

As of now, we have only one field to manage version. Request is to allow version.revision to be manage. Typical work involve create a version A than revise that version as many time as require until we issue the new major version. Version A Rev0.....
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review