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Can we create a link from knowledge database and Projectwise database

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

CSB Priority

Add priority option on CSB (as secondary to configuration level). Currently the order of CSB processing at level is determined by the object on which the CSB is placed. Example: There is not a good way to have a CSB applied to an application to re...
almost 4 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Small link

No description provided
about 4 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

My Projects do not show all projects

If you click on Projects at the top of the page you will not see all your projects under "My Projects" I have, and a few other super users have 100 to 150 projects. Atleast have a page option to show x amount of projects or all projects and page t...
about 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Folder Sync option

Most of our projects (work areas) staff can only add new folders, they cannot delete or rename existing as we have the parent folder names locked down. In PW Drive when a user creates a new folder we are left with 2 folders, one called 'New Folder...
about 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Edit Team Members Names

Allow admin to edit team members first and last names allowing issues to be assigned them and not having to wait for them to login to the Bentley IMS to autofill these fields.
over 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Allow Creation of Custom States & Custom File Attributes

Seems you cant edit the states provided by projectwise 365 Also Custom File attributes would be a must
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Disable side panel / or service

We would like to be able to control what features are enabled on any given project, like Deliverables Management. By default this feature is enabled. Under Administration can this feature and others listed be disabled so that the feature is greyed...
over 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Side panel lock

When the side panel is expanded to display all of the descriptions most staff find this view preferred, at least until they get used to using the new interface. With larger monitors, space isn't typically an issue. A toggle to enable this to keep ...
over 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud 0 Needs review

Add logo or some custom user information to projectwise web

Add logo or some custom user information to projectwise web so users can do some customization level on their iown pw web interfaces
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review