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My ideas

Showing 25

Clarification Needed in Deliverables Notifications: PW Explorer vs. PW Web

Deliverables notifications currently include buttons labeled “OPEN in PWE” and “Open in Portal.” This can be confusing for clients who are not familiar with the different ProjectWise options. It is suggested that these buttons be renamed to more c...
4 months ago in Deliverables Management 3 Already exists

Add State as a column in the PW Explorer Reference Version Manager and Select Document Version dialogs

This will allow users to identify which version of a file they should, or should not, have referenced.
almost 4 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 2 Already exists

Method to Order or Prioritize Transition Buttons

In forms, the workflow transition buttons are listed by how they were created. is there a way a sort property can be added so they show up in a priortized order.
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud 1 Already exists

Automatic assignment in workflow based on selected value

Would like when clicking a workflow action like "Send for Review" it to automatically assign the Assign To fieldto a specific value based on a form field value criteria. If the criteria is not met, then the Assign To stays the default as it does t...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 2 Already exists

Provide reporting and automated notification on any "Partial response" to submittal.

In cases where multiple documents are issued to a recipient for approval, and the recipient initially submits response to only one (or less than all) of the issued documents, there is no way to be aware of this 'partial response'. The responder wi...
4 months ago in Deliverables Management 1 Already exists

download PDF markup with summary

when downloading PDF markup with summary, even the issue info is available but users can't tell which the markup the issue was created from
about 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 2 Already exists

Renaming Form Types in forms for Issue Resolution

It is currently not possible to rename form types which is inflexible if you require the need to update the name during the project as it develops.
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 1 Already exists

Corporate Admin

Request is to make sure we can define a corporate admin role that allow full access to any projects even if the corporate admin are not add as a participants. The idea is to avoid corporate admin being lock out a project
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 1 Already exists

Control of Datasource Visibility

Hi, It would be great to be able to control the visibility of Datasources so the available options can be reduced. My datasource list is massive as each organisation has multiple spaces and are adding more every day. Apart from my own organisation...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 5 Already exists

Gray out the Assign to field when permission is not allow

When we receive an issue after a PWDM review, if the AssignTo permission is not allow, the AssignTo property is not gray out, which lead participants to think they can reassign the issue. Request is to make sure when AssignTO permission is not gra...
4 months ago in Deliverables Management 1 Already exists