Deliverables notifications currently include buttons labeled “OPEN in PWE” and “Open in Portal.” This can be confusing for clients who are not familiar with the different ProjectWise options. It is suggested that these buttons be renamed to more clearly indicate their functions and avoid confusion.
Practical use of functionality?
This field is used to identify and highlight potential points of confusion in the user interface, specifically in Deliverables notifications. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
Renaming the buttons in notifications will improve the clarity and usability of the system for all clients. This will reduce confusion and potentially increase customer satisfaction, as the interface will be more intuitive and users will be better informed about the tools at their disposal. |
Thank you Justina,
Your answer is helpful. My goal is to simplify the process by having just a single button that directly connects to ProjectWise Web.
To change the notification to only have "Open in PWE" button, go to Deliverables Management Settings > Notifications. Open the notifications and replace the "{Package URL - Portal + PWE}" variable with "{Package URL - PWE only}". Update all notifications. Once that is done you can use the project as a template and copy this setup to all the other projects using "Copy settings from your organization" option in the General settings page.
Could you let us know what you would like to call these buttons instead?
Are your users using both ProjectWise Explorer and Portal interfaces? If not, you could change the variables in notifications settings and only leave the button that you want your users to use instead of having two of them.