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Showing 1116

BIC - iModel copy measurement result values

If you create a measurement you receive the values in a properties menu. But you are not able to copy the values as it is possible for object properties. It would be helpful to have this copy option (rightklick) also for values of measurements.
11 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Display Related Forms in Document Information Panel

Add a feature to the document information/attributes panel that allows users to see if there is any form related to the current document. This will improve accessibility and efficiency by providing a quick reference to associated forms directly fr...
3 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Work Inbox 0 Needs review

Dock the model list on a separate screen

It would be highly beneficial if when moving the undocked list which is usually displayed to the right of the screen, it could be placed on another screen. This will free up the space and make it far easier for the user to navigate. Most users com...
3 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Expose Transmission and issue

It would be useful to have the issue expose to the document under the explorer and web connection.
about 1 month ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Ability to delete files from a SET

multiple files for deletion can be done in one set, rather than going to the 'open folder' option to be able to do this. it would be much more efficient to be able to add the files for deletion into a set and get them done in one place
2 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Messaging agent triggering at document creation, not only check-in, version or state change.

In the messaging services module in ProjectWise Administrator, we can configurate automatic e-mail sending at a document's check-in, check-out, server update, version or state change. Our most common need is at document creation (without check-in ...
10 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

PowerAutomate Action for Flat Set Content Update

An action in PowerAutomate to update a Flat Set with a new document or remove a document would help with automating delivery processes.
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Add "Show all versions" quick access button to tool bar

The current method of toggling "Show all versions" is too long, Tools>Options>Settings>Document List>Show all versions. A toggle on/off button on the top toolbar of PWE this would be much more user friendly.
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Gray out the Assign to field when permission is not allow

When we receive an issue after a PWDM review, if the AssignTo permission is not allow, the AssignTo property is not gray out, which lead participants to think they can reassign the issue. Request is to make sure when AssignTO permission is not gra...
about 1 month ago in Deliverables Management 1 Already exists

Ability to have different workflow configurations for individual forms, not just form types. Or perhaps have a workflow environment to link forms to?

On a large project with many forms required, yet many forms need to be similar but different workflows (such as automated assignee at the status transitions for each engineering discipline), each of these forms will need to be a different form typ...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review