Add the ability to apply security permission to multiple folders in PWE
In PWE, add the ability to select multiple folders using shift or control key, in a Project's folder tree, and apply the same folder and document permissions. This would be a great time saver.
Allow Alert Notifications for Folders and Documents
Need the ability to create alert notifications that users can turn on for a particular folder and/or documents. For example, a user could be notified when new documents land in a particular folder. This doesn't need to be part of workflows and sta...
The markup files for Pdf Review are added in the same folder as the Pdf file (or in a subfolder names xfdf__). The users do not normally need to see the markup files and they makes the document lists long. There is also a risk that someone by mist...
Currently, internal reviews(using WFs) and external reviews (using PWDM) are 2 separate processes. There is no single master status on the document that reflects the live status in the project lifecycle. External communication stages shall also ha...
Please give us the possibility to generate a report that shows who is connecting to a datasource and licenses used. Right now, we can only generate a report with the total number, we would like to have this information separated and classified for...
Media Indexing for PWDI connections (Media Explorer)
Please allow for media-indexing on PWDI connections within the Infrastructure Cloud project Media Explorer, not just the Documents area. This would allow us to not have to have duplicated info or have to move photos. Also allows for a "single sour...
The select file window need to b redesign to make it more usable for a day tp day life. example each time we need to tick back the Version and description We cannot change the column layout, we cannot move it on the side. etc.. Use a saved search ...