Request is to embed requirements management to ProjectWise Design Integration along wth change management.
Once we launch the advanced Wizard, we are not able not able to change the interface to capture more attributes at the document creation. Request is to allow Interface change. In the attach, the wrong interface show and we are not able to enter do...
Import/Export Excel Able to Use ProjectWise Locations for Excel File Location
Add the ability for the location of the Excel files used in the Import/Export Excel tool to be able to choose locations within ProjectWise. Currently you can only choose locations from your local computer or server. This is a problem when consulta...
We have had many issues where users run a Scan References and Link Sets against a folder or many files and they do not know what they are doing. Many hours have been spent fixing the references.
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB version
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managing.Please add this function. Thank you
We have two version of the same Transmission
• TRA which contain 10 documents (01.....10) being version 01
• TRB which contains 3 documents (02/04/06) in version 02
We would like the system to compare the two transmissions and i...
Request to have a news section per project and one corporate
For each project we will require a news section so we can broadcast and archive any project communication. Which for project spanning several years we will have a lots of communications. Also since we are doing join venture projects in that same n...