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Add permission to checkout in access control rules

It would be fantastic to have a permission to avoid users checking out the document when it has passed the Draft/WIP status, while allowing them to open/download the document. This would reduce administrative burdens for Document Managers taking c...
5 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 2 Needs review

Display role for active user

Can there be an indicator on the general user's portal that shows what Project Role they belong. Right now, only Project Owners can access the roles and members. It would be great if all users could know what Role(s) they have been assigned.
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Future consideration

Have ProjectWise 2023 reverted to allow unsecure server for caching

On behalf of Parsons and other users, please revert ProjectWise Gateway and routing in DMSKRNL to allow for routing of unsecure servers. Currently, if PWDI server or older is routed through a 2023 gateway or caching server, the traffi...
8 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

"OR" function configuration in DDM / Distribution of Transmittal

Below is the detail scenario: Example: No of Document: 01 Document Number: Doc-001 Transmittal Number: TRN-001 Stakeholders: TRN creator: Person: A TRN Receivers / Reviewers: Person B & Person C (Withing same team, Let's say Civil Team) Enhanc...
over 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 1 Future consideration

Project Folder Favorites

Add a favorites list to quickly navigate to specific folders. Some clients (such as DOTs) have huge lists of projects - often only using a job number. While working on design, user may only need to access 1 or 2 jobs from a list of hundreds.
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Planned

Automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal.

VDOT is looking for a way to automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal. We have over 1000 Locally Administered projects using PWDM and we're constantly adding new users to the user lists and that re...
10 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Enable project owner to export a user list

When managing proejcts in many projects, I sometimes need to report on who is in the Infrastructure Cloud project. As a project owner, I have no possibilty to export all users in the project. This is really annoying, especially in projects with 10...
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 1 Planned

Button for Show all versions in explorer

As an Information manager i am routinely checking previous versions of deliverables and having a button on the interface for SHOW ALL VERSIONS for this instead of buried deep within the options would save at least an hour a week no doubt
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 2 Needs review

Allow to copy and paste the document list and/or single attributes

It would be helpful to allow users to select, copy and paste text from the PW Web interface. If one field is selected, it should copy it as plain text. If multiple fields are selected, it could copy the contents to the clipboard as a table. It wou...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Recodify documents

In PW WEb you can recodify the last version of a document, but if you do that, you lost all traceability of the document with their versions. I think recodification would be done only for administrators
7 months ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review