Following this help article We found that we have a need to distribute the submittal response to ...
Can we add a header name and filter the attachment name column?
This will be useful as when the issue register becomes very lengthy filtering by each document will allow for easy review of each issue on each document. Especially helpful for managers.
In a transmission we have participants that need to respond and other participan define as FYI inly (no acknowledge or response) the FYI recipient do not seems to have access to any markup made by the main reviewer. Request is to have way to share...
Add alerts to the datasource performance dashboard
Bentley has presented a performance dashboard, but does not give access to the dashboard to its clients. I would like to have an alert when the performance goes over a certain treshold. Or if certain values that go into the overall performance num...
Automatically select contiguous elements between two elements
For Civil tools that request multiple elements to be selected, and the elements represent represent a linear connected system (such as utility/piping), it would great to be able to select the start and end element to select the entire linear chain...
Allow use of saved searches to select elements for tools requesting multiple elements
In many tools in the Main Frontstage\Civil and Advanced Civil tools require the user to select multiple elements for processing. Some of the tools in the Main Frontstage will work using a workaround, although very tediously, by selecting elements ...
Important lost of functionality One essential feature we lost when using the WRE to help us automate document management. We are no longer able to drag'n drop file in batch. Example we have Architect that will drop file in batch of 20 or 100 every...
Currently the Manage Reference Version tool does not save changes made to the server, so if a DGN is not checked out & back in after using the tool, other users may not see the changes made. Manage Reference Version tool should prompt an updat...