Extract file properties from JPEG files automatically
Today PW is unable to extract automaticaly the file properties from JPEG files, which is troublesome if you want to insert photos into the system and filter them by date (when they have been taken). You should improve PW to make these properties e...
In PW 365, we would like Project metadata to be automatically updated from the Connected Work Area. For example, if a description or name changes on the Work Area in PW Explorer, the connected Project should also update it's metadata automatically.
Right now transition permissions is based on the access level of the FORM. We really need a method to permission transitions at the ROLE level. For example, if we have discipline specific transitions, we only want the transition displayed to be th...
Identify Files/Folders with Excessive Character Length
It should be possible, through insights, to identify the files whose paths exceed the allowed character limit. Using the logs in the drive is not reliable, and it should be easier to monitor and identify this issue.
Automate Acknowledgment Upon Transmittal Opening and Mandatory Response Synchronization
Currently, the acknowledgment (“Acknowledge”) requires an additional click after opening a transmittal. I suggest that the acknowledgment be sent automatically upon opening the transmittal, eliminating the need for this extra step. This would stre...
Currently all my users will see the warning under an iModel that says “Partially Complete: View Report” they can also see the first report page that shows a count of issues per file.However, we have found that only users with “Validate” entitlemen...
Accelerate loading time for document preview in PW Web
The current PDF and document previewer on PW Web is quite slow to open, and often fails with large files. It would be very beneficial to speed up its loading times and reliability.
Hi There, We highly rely on the renditioning feature in ProjectWise to a PDF our approved drawings.
Our design workflow has automations in place, when a drawing is approved in ProjectWise the rendition engine will automatically create a PDF suc...