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Showing 1211

Redesign document selection modal popup

The file selector in PWDM for PW Workarea Connections is not functional enough for being used in projects with many files or many levels of nested folders, as it doesn't display the saved searches, doesn't allow to use the "Advanced search" availa...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Add document attributes (e.g. Checked out to) to Windows Explorer through ProjectWise Drive on-demand sync

This would allow users to work completely in the windows space, as opposed to having to use the web portal to find out who has the document checked out
over 4 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud 2 Planned

Design Task Email Notifications

When sending assigning a design task to an individual the email notification says that an ISSUE has been assigned to the recipient. For clarity the email notifications should reflect the item type that is being assigned. For instance a Design Task...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Planned

Display Related Forms in Document Information Panel

Add a feature to the document information/attributes panel that allows users to see if there is any form related to the current document. This will improve accessibility and efficiency by providing a quick reference to associated forms directly fr...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Work Inbox 0 Needs review

Dock the model list on a separate screen

It would be highly beneficial if when moving the undocked list which is usually displayed to the right of the screen, it could be placed on another screen. This will free up the space and make it far easier for the user to navigate. Most users com...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

PW Drive : Allow multiple users on same machine

When different users log in on a common machine (not at the same time) today only the very first user gets the ProjectWise Drive icon in the Windows File Explorer. The next user does not see this. For MicroSoft One Drive, each user has his/her own...
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 2 Needs review

ProjectWise Drive user configuration

Could be interesting to have a way to configure a user to have the WorkArea/Folder Synchronized if he is added to the Portal Project and also have PW Drive Installed in his computer
2 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Search transmission with a specific document

Production team ask to be able to search from the PWDM web interface and list all the transmssion containing a specific document code.
2 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

Change Ttile

We are unable to change the title of the participants assign to a PWDM under Infrastructure cloud
2 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Reduced Project Insights update time

We have requested a reduction in the time it takes to update certain projects in Project Insights. Today we need some projects to have their Project Insights updated more quickly due to the area's needs.
4 months ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0