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SQL statement to populate Transmittal/Submittal Attributes

The select query does not work with the document attribute in the PWDM Portal. the views assigned to DM then cannot pull in existing Picklist in PW and Picklist needed to be updated manually
7 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Deliverables Management – Package Type Identification

Help to check if any other variable (apart from ProjectID) can be added in Identification. Example – ProjectOriginator etc.
7 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Dialogue Box for revoking additional reviewers

To be able to record the reasons why reviewers were not able to response or why they were revoked, for future reference. Also, an additional comment variable which can be added to the email notification template once the additional reviewer is rev...
almost 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 3 Future consideration

Visibility of latest shared document version

In workflow-based document visibility (WIP & Shared), currently the versioning is somewhat confusing to the end user. Current Situation: A new version (V2) from a shared document (V1) is created in state WIP Users that are allowed to see the s...
4 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Restrict the access to Escalate Button

Some users confuse this button when editing a document. I am asking about the possibility of making it disappear, or restricting its use.
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Work Inbox 0 Needs review

Optional PW Explorer File Path Limit of 255 Characters?

A project I'm working on has been using PW Explorer exclusively for the past year, but recently looked into using PW Drive. Since PW Explorer doesn't have a file path character limit and we were used to being limited by Windows Explorer, we enjoye...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

To be able to select from the default email notification those that will only be relevant to the project/users

The user will just identify the email notifications that will be relevant/useful to them to minimize the volume of emails they receive. This will also help save memory space in the server
over 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 1 Future consideration

Manage form prefixes in order to be more specific when receiving notifications.

When you have a recurring form loaded in several projects, notifications can become confusing. The project ID is coded and the form ID fields refer to the forms. Only 25 characters can be too few to identify: 1-project, 2-project type, 3-forms and...
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Work Inbox 0 Needs review

3D PDF support

Support 3D PDF in viewer
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Needs review

Media Explorer 360 photos

Zooming is too slow when viewing 360 photos in Media explorer.
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Needs review