When version a file to a new revision and document code is already assigned, move document code to the new version automatically or allow that option without having to clear code and then reassign to new version.
Please add the ability for Bentley IMS Administrators to see all of their organization's projects from the Project Dashboard - including projects they are not a member of. Currently the only way to to view all projects an organization owns is by d...
Sort Projects by Project Number on the 'My Projects' page
Our project numbers are incremental where as our project names are location / scope based. Having the option to sort by project number allows the user to see the most recent projects easily. Currently, changing the sorting option by Alphabetically...
Inability to obtain a list of references from multiple files at once.
There is no "out-the-box" function in projectwise that I know of which allows users to obtain lists of references from multiple drawings at once, it is currently a manual process to go into each drawing and go Set -> Show references which when ...
We are being provide many files with no geolocalisation or wrong one. And we would like to make changes to the Imodel to place element to the correct geolocation. Request is to allow the option to change the localisation once the file have been sy...
Add User setting 'Can only login through ProjectWise Web and ProjectWise Web View'
Add User setting 'Can only login through ProjectWise Web and ProjectWise Web View' in ProjectWise Administrator to only allow connecting to ProjectWise via web browsers, similar to old User setting 'Can only login through Web View Server' that onl...
Need to be able to select multiple disciplines sometimes, example an issue may need to be assigned to Roadway and Structures. The issue then needs to be tracked/commented/resolved by those disciplines. Need to also show the multiple disciplines on...
Once we create a comparaison, we should be able to save it, so we can comeback without having to compare again. The same we can save a view, we should be able to save the comparaison results
Options for ScanRef to only fix broken or non-ProjectWise reference files
ScanRef currently relinks every reference file. Would like an options to fix broken links or any non-projectwise links (i assume many non-projectwise links might not actually be "broken" when scanref runs on a user's machine)
Allow PW Automated File Processing (AFP) to include DGN workset properties
We are looking for a way to get the Workspace/Workset branding information (stored in the header of DGN files) at scale in our ProjectWise environment.