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Model descriptions within Imodel Tree View

when bringing single models to an imodel, it only brings in the file name, can we have the ability to add a description to the model . For example, in the grab below, unless you know the project you couldn't pick what model is what. the ability to...
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Rendition Profile Components

We end up having multiple rendition profile components and we would require a way to organize them ( see attach). The list will growth overtime If we could create a hierarchy like folder-SubFolder That would be a start
7 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Photo Metadata Integration in PW Explorer

Enhance PW Explorer to allow users to directly view and interact with photo metadata. For example, this would allow users to extract a 'Date Taken' property from a photo as use it as a column to then filter/sort the files.
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Direct JT-Adapter Bridge for iModel import

We would like to have a direct import of JT files into the imodel without having to manually convert them to dgn with microstation. According to this list (
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Export project list in BIC

In CONNECT there is a button, that exports all projects in my company to a csv (screenshot 1). In BIC this button is missing (see suggestion for button in screenshot 2). Also please consider the helpful input of P365-I-665, which asks for some mor...
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Ability to change Document Code in PW365

Change Document Code facility, which also keeps Name and File Name in sync, unlike in ProjectWise Explorer
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Multiple Recipients, To.... , field

Ability to add multiple recipients, as you can do in the CC... field
almost 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 1 Will not implement

Add Distribution Rule to the list of data available

We are in a need to create report based on the distribution rule or that include this information
7 months ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

Transmittal - Delegate v Transfer

When you delegate your request to respond to a Transmittal, it owuld be helpful to see that when the response is submitted by the delegated person that the status represented shows the name of the delegated person - not the original recipient. Thi...
over 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 2 Will not implement

Improved error messaging for WRE

With server side workflow rules offering significantly improved performance in datasources, project adoption of WRE is trending upwards. Unfortunately, there is no current opportunity to customise the error messages generated by an invalid collect...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review