Right click to renditions should be done through shortcut
We do renditioning for creating various plots, we select different renditions profiles for plotting pdf's, there should be shortcut like CTRL+R to pop up rendition dialog box and automatically the profile should be selected
Add priority option on CSB (as secondary to configuration level). Currently the order of CSB processing at level is determined by the object on which the CSB is placed. Example: There is not a good way to have a CSB applied to an application to re...
As per SR 7001515055 There does not appear to be any method in deliverables management to allow transmittals generated by external parties (submittals) to be distributed to multiple internal users for review and response using any kind pre-set dis...
Allow admin to edit team members first and last names allowing issues to be assigned them and not having to wait for them to login to the Bentley IMS to autofill these fields.
Within the response notification email that the Sender receives when a response to a Transmittal is received, the content provided is in the following format... 16/16 documentswere rejected/rejected with comments 0/16 documents were approved with ...
To be able to access all of the available content from a particular Brand(s) of catalog without the manual process of adding components to ones own catalog library