more details regarding workflow state changes in workflow
Could audit trail in PWE be updated to include more details so that when selecting options in a workflow the option selected is recorded - currently it just shows the change from one state to another. this would help users identify whish path was ...
There would be improved automation if MicroStation Attributes, such as Model Name, Model Description, Model Logical Name could be linked to PW Environment Attributes.
Reminders telling users they've left co-authoring sessions running
.A user can leave multiple co-authoring sessions opening when they forget to end the session after all participants have left. they need reminders that sessions they initiated are still open. e.g. every time they log on to PW 365 they are reminded...
i Think it would be very helpful to have the possibility to create Views similar like in the documents area. The Goal should be to identify very easy where is the latest version for the i model creation.
When create a new doc, with attribute, interface use CREATE by default Button instead of NEXT. NEXT is necessary, because attribute have to be set. When attribute needed, can you set by default NEXT button instead of CREATE ?
Currently the BCF import defaults all imports to the first iModel in the project. This does not enable working with several different imodels and BCFs. We would like a prompt which asks to which iModel the issue should be linked. Incident case: CS...
Many of our projects contain Microsoft Visio (.vsdx) files that would be great to preview using the PW Web interface, like the current preview of Word, Excel, and PDF files.