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Showing 1211

Audit Trail Report UI changes

When you click the Audit Trail tab when looking at folder/file properties it immediately launches a query on the Audit Trail using the last customization settings you set. These are frequently wrong and you must wait for the query to time out befo...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Copy existing tab if custom tab exists

Ability to copy an existing tab even if there is a custom tab added.
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

Menu Editor Submenu as First Item of Submenu Fix

Right now, if you add a submenu as the first item of a submenu using the menu editor, the function does not work correctly. It will currently display all of the items in the sub-sub menu in place of the items in the sub-menu effectively losing all...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Future consideration

notifications settings

It would be helpful if administrator could manage notifications preferences for all users. For example to turn on/off notifications about change of status, assigned forms, new issues etc.
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 1 Will not implement

Treat document extension exactly the same as file name extension.

Also, treat the extension on the document name the same as you treat the extension on the filename. I have so many files where the document name is "design.dgn" but the filename is "design.dgn.dgn" (or visa versa) because users do not understand h...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

A searchable photo repository

All projects seem to have one thing in common, what to do with pictures. A searchable or customizable photo repository would be amazing, especially if photo's could be exported directly to it from PW Explorer?
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Additional Data Column in Exported Data

Please add a column having information if the additional reviewer has been revoked since from the existing data generated, there is no way to identify if the additional reviewer is already revoked. It still appears that they are still pending to r...
about 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 1 Already exists

Welcome to PW Project Insights service Ideas portal - all your feedback is welcome and appreciated!

Dear User, Please share what is working well for you to help motivate and encourage PW Project Insights service development team? Please also share what could be improved or changed to help us create more value for your teams? (Help us to help...
almost 5 years ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

PW Explorer installation - Spatial Extension > Defaults

Please remove the DEFAULT setting in the PW Explorer installation as well in PW Administrator. Not all users use that option. When "Spatial Extension" is not enabled during setup, users with that option in Client installation have issues with miss...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Response Notification should be received by all recipients

I guess it is better if all the recipients from the original submission will receive a notification once the action person responded on that submission. For example: The Contractor issued a drawing for review and approval to consultant copying the...
over 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 1 Will not implement