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Showing 1211

Ability to have a ProjectWise Web link in the report visuals to each PWDI document.

We would like to be able to incorporate in our Project Insights visuals a document ProjectWise Web link (URL/UDN) to the ProjectWise Design Integration work area that is associated to the Project Insights service. This would allow the project Engi...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

Allow more granular filtering in the PWE view

The filter column at the top of the documents pane is great to have but it would be nice if we could filter more than on item. If the filter worked more like it does in excel. We could view drawing lists except obsolete or superseded. Or have mult...
5 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Enable users to see who is on the project (make special right)

Currently, a normal user cannot see the project participants. This is exclusively accesible by the project owner role. There is a workaround that this person creates an issue and looks into the assign to dropdown. But this is not really a satisfyi...
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Issues should have the same ID in the redline annotations and in the markup listing

When markups are added to a transmittal by the reviewers and then returned to the submitter, the submitter sees the receiving in ID numbering on the redline annotations (e.g. SUB-0001) however in the Markup listing with the comments the issues are...
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

show inside windows explorer or any other file explorer app the PW description column in detailed view.

Good morning everyone, hope you are all doing fine. It is known that there's a tendency of companies to give document code to filenames and they generally dont show the descriptions or document titles in it because of the 255 characters limitation...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 1 Needs review

Managed Workspace: Deleted files

When files are deleted from a Managed Workspace, they are not deleted from the local user directories. This is a huge problem. The whole point of using a Managed Workspace is to ensure end-users use company standard design libraries, cells, specif...
8 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Add document-Form

Enhacement to the Add document window when we wanted to add document to a forms. We are limited as no advance search, no save search retrieval, no possibility to change the view to display new columns...
2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review

Document Review-Form

The approach of BIC to create a document review is interesting. However once in that review task and we split the view, we are limited as we are not allow to move the split bar to provide more screen to the PDF document. Request is to add a dynami...
2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review

ProjectWise WEB to use phone (WEB site scaling depending on the platform used)

We hope for better usability for phones. Currently, the view cannot be enlarged or expanded and the menus cannot be moved if the phone is in use. Screenshots from Iphone 12 attached. The view opens better on the iPad. Menus cannot be used. You ca...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Support for document list Column Filter Operators for Multiple String Filters + Saved Filters

Hello Bentley, My idea is support for document list column filter operators for multiple filters. I would also like the option to save the filters either into Custom Views, Custom Saved Filters [as a Custom View subset], and/ or a user PW User Pre...
12 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review