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Showing 1212

Change Role Between MR and AR

We have situations where a Main Reviewer (MR) need to become Additional Reviewer (AR) We do not seems to have an easy way of doing this. We do not seems to be able to delegate as both users are MR on the same transmission. A MR1 should be able to ...
11 months ago in Deliverables Management 2 Will not implement

Allow user to use PW Explorer functionality based on Passport or Visa

Most of the PW users are read only users and organizations wants to consider them passport users. Such user has to go to separate interface. Can we make PW explorer intelligent that based on log in user (Admin can decide type of that user as passp...
over 5 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Create New Version on CheckIn (or even during the design session).

Current workflow requires that a Version be created prior to opening the file. I often find that it is not until while I am editing a file, that I determine that a new version is warranted. This requires closing the file, creating new version then...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Add a project Gantt Chart

Since this is relate to project management. I feel this should be link to Project Insight. When we start a project we have a gantt chart that allow us to track project startup activities. Request is to have a gantt chart capabilities. Exemple we c...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

Autocad version history in ProjectWise Drive

Autocad allows users to access the history of drawing within the Autocad session (as described in this help arcticle: ) As PW Drive is a OneDrive...
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

XFDF to mirror the PDF attributes

When we Mark-Up a pdf, the XFDF take the same version. Request is that the State and Suitability code and all other attributes are being transfert The XFDF should mirror as much possible the attributes of the PDF it is associate with.
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

environment folder

As we wanted to have multiple project under the same datasource, we need to copy environment to make small tweak. Example document code may change from project to project. As such, if we copy a set of environment we end up with a big list of envir...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Document Code and Revision code enhancement

Request Have the document code independent of the environment Have enhancement for the Revision code so it can be configure the same way as the document code. The Document code and the revision code should be independent but could be link to an en...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Test Absolute Path Feature

Test ProjectWise Drive absolute path feature & functionality. As this is a global setting we cannot test this without making changes to all production datasources.
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Co-auth. warning users if owner ends the session

When doing co-authoring in Web it is possible for the owner of the co-authoring session (the first who started the session), to decide to end the session without telling it to the other participants. The owner get plenty of warnings before he ends...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Web & View 1 Needs review