PWDM - General Correspondence and RFI package types should have their own security assignments in the manage roles section
Product Area: PWDM - RFI, GC package Types. Requirement: PWDM security configuration does not provide package level granular control for allocation of user access. Users who are implementing General Correspondence (GC) and RFI types would prefer t...
In PW 365, we would like Project metadata to be automatically updated from the Connected Work Area. For example, if a description or name changes on the Work Area in PW Explorer, the connected Project should also update it's metadata automatically.
ProjectWise 365 + Microsoft Teams Integration with iTwin
Looking at the MS Teams integration with iTwin, as this would be a great addition to allow project teams easier access to the platform. the Microsoft Teams application was developed back in the days when iTwin was not part of Projectwise it would ...
Add count functionality to PW WSG plugin to support WSG API $count Odata query option
This will open up the use of $count option in the Web Services Gateway Web API to streamline reporting. The option is documented in the WSG API but currently not supported in the plugin itself.
Have ProjectWise 2023 reverted to allow unsecure server for caching
On behalf of Parsons and other users, please revert ProjectWise Gateway and routing in DMSKRNL to allow for routing of unsecure servers. Currently, if PWDI server or older is routed through a 2023 gateway or caching server, the traffi...
Please add option "no-invitation-mail" into Bulk User Import to Project
In the past PW CONNECT Portal includes option (checkbox) "don´t sent invitation mail" when you were uploading large amount of users, using Import Users option. At BIC and now also at CONNECT it disappeared (see attachment). When uploading regularl...
Design review workflows that are created by forms need to be linked back to PWDI server files
When working with Oklahoma DOT using 3D Design Review they have almost come to the conclusion that creating a form and setting up a workflow doesn't really matter if the workflow does not connect the the actual PW DI document. Or at least have it ...
Automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal.
VDOT is looking for a way to automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal. We have over 1000 Locally Administered projects using PWDM and we're constantly adding new users to the user lists and that re...
We create document sets of our review files, so then when new versions of the documents get added, the document set looks empty unless the user selects 'Show all versions'. It would be much better for this document set to always show all version b...
"OR" function configuration in DDM / Distribution of Transmittal
Below is the detail scenario: Example: No of Document: 01 Document Number: Doc-001 Transmittal Number: TRN-001 Stakeholders: TRN creator: Person: A TRN Receivers / Reviewers: Person B & Person C (Withing same team, Let's say Civil Team) Enhanc...