As of today we can see the additional reviewer and the one send for information only from the transmission history
Request by the production team is to expose the those names to the front end and be bale to select which column to display.
Practical use of functionality?
One of the philosophy the project team is looking at is to have open system in term of display the information and having this info hidden under a sub menu prevent deploying such philosophy. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
Making sure the info is better expose to the end user to allow him get a better situation awareness |
Thank you Justina
This is available under the incoming, the team would appreciate having the same report under the outgoing.
The team would also appreciate if we could see the additional reviewer in the report.
As when they send a transmittal they will have a better situation awareness by whom the transmission will be receive and view.
For new PW users the distribution matrix feel like a black box. So it feel like sending a transmission in the unknow
I know there is a request to expose the distribution matrix to the front end,
Maybe idea 46 and 131 will merge and this would answer both request
Thank you for the follow-up much appreciate
You can find response status information about all additional reviewers and recipients that are required to respond in submittal "Response report". The information about CC recipients is available in "Recipients" tab.