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Deliverables Management

Showing 188

Add note when we revise a transmission

When we revise a transmission, we have no place to add internal notes or comments Example I see the version is not correct and a new document should be add instead
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 1 Needs review

Add new version

When we manually add new version to a document. PWDM bring us back to the top of the list of the document. For a transmission having 10 documents it is OK, but for a transmission having 200+ documents we are force to make a back an forth between t...
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 2 Needs review

Approval Status to be shown on main page

is it possible to see the approval status of the documents like A, B, C, or D status, instead of seeing only "Acknowledged" and "Responded" on the landing page of the syatem.
almost 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration


A certain drawing cannot be searched as it is issued through drawing submittal sheet. Unable to search using document reference number unless it is mentioned on the subject of the submission.
almost 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 1 Will not implement

Unlock a response should unlock the issue

When we send a response and ask to unlock that response. The issue attach to the document cannot be edit .
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Identify open issue

From the Incoming or Outgoing We need a quick way to see which transmission has open issue and the state or the issue,
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

DM Review Markup "ISSUE" Tool not exporting as a comment

The current "Note" tool in the Deliverables Management Review does not allow users to attach a comment to the note (see screenshot 1), only presenting the option to create an "Issue". The problem with the "Issue" function is that when the response...
over 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 1 Will not implement

PWDM Distribution Matrix

Each time we make a change to the distribution matrix, we keep an history We will require a field to document the change made to the matrix. The field should work like the comment we can add to a document.
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Make a transmission evolve ( traceability of a communication lifecycle)

Often a transmission start with a general communication which evolve into an RFI who will then turn into a transmission. Request to to allow this type of evolution in our communications to keep traceability on the decision. ( understand how a deci...
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Distribution matrix rules definition to be transfer to department

We have lots of request regarding rules for the distribution matrix and we would like to have a central location, where each department could create their own rules in the distribution matrix for PWDM. Without having to rely on an excel sheet.
6 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review