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Send Document to a Correspondence instance directly from Unified portal DMS

From External User Hello, Would it be possible to add an option to send a file or initiate a Transmittal from the Documents section of PW 365? We do have the option to send a file to DM from PWExplorer, a similar option in PW365 would be useful. P...
about 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

Download button on main screen

Rather than having to click the "Details" button and then download the file, it would be nice to have a download button right on the main screen where you are filtering files. I understand that there may be more than one design file associated wit...
almost 5 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Component Management 0 Future consideration

Auto depot of document

Request is have a way to schedule transmission to request document ( single or multiple) to be deposited in a PW specific folder with the proper attributs filled.
about 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

Add a custom signature when sending General Correspondence, RFIs or Transmittals

Sign off communications with a professional signature to add reply communication details if needed.
over 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 5 Future consideration

Scheduled Client Side Folder/Subfolder prefetch

Allow client app to scheduled copy outs of folders/subfolders. (similar to fetch capabilities in caching server). The purpose is to prefetch managed workspace folders to save time at initial opening.
over 5 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Future consideration

Deliverables Management - Text formatting optionality in Description field

It would be great to have the ability to bold, italicise, underline, bullet point when communicating using Deliverables. This makes large amounts of text easier to read and ultimately more efficient. The text options could be exactly as you see he...
almost 3 years ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

A picture repository

A searchable photo repository, connect to ProjectWise explorer for adding to drawings and reports
over 5 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center 3 Future consideration

Submittal review distribution as single workflow

As per SR 7001515055 There does not appear to be any method in deliverables management to allow transmittals generated by external parties (submittals) to be distributed to multiple internal users for review and response using any kind pre-set dis...
almost 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

Transmittal Response notifications for sender

Within the response notification email that the Sender receives when a response to a Transmittal is received, the content provided is in the following format... 16/16 documentswere rejected/rejected with comments 0/16 documents were approved with ...
about 2 years ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

[Drill Down Page- Related Components] Related components suggestions should be shown.

When a user opens a component drill down page, related components can be shown in bottom right corner. An implementation of ML in Components Center
over 5 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center 0 Future consideration