Add a ".ignore" file to sub tree root folder to have ProjectWise Drive ignore specified files..
We have been testing ProjectWise Drive as a solution for Managing 12D Model projects in ProjectWise. This application creates temporary files as part of how it writes to a file when saving. We have found that there is sometimes a clash due to the ...
Seems like having a list of projects doesnt help a user with tons of projects. If things are due, there should be a view that encompases ALL projects that a person is assigned to. Having to click inside each project is time consuming to get to the...
Convert/provide a version of the Stored procedures as SQL functions for greater flexibility
Given the move away from being able to have custom stored procedures with the new 2023 DI server, it would be good if some of the provided stored procedures were converted to SQL scalar value functions as these provide greater flexibility in their...
Options for ScanRef to only fix broken or non-ProjectWise reference files
ScanRef currently relinks every reference file. Would like an options to fix broken links or any non-projectwise links (i assume many non-projectwise links might not actually be "broken" when scanref runs on a user's machine)
To re-assign a different consolidator after removing the additional reviewers
Currently, once the user assigned a consolidator and then later need to change the consolidator (by removing all the additional reviewer and assigning a new set), the user encounters an error and can no longer proceed
We have situations where a Main Reviewer (MR) need to become Additional Reviewer (AR) We do not seems to have an easy way of doing this. We do not seems to be able to delegate as both users are MR on the same transmission. A MR1 should be able to ...
Can we improve office 365 co-authoring feature in PW Web as we see some loss and the document is getting lost or it is not even getting updated in the Audit trail if multiple person for office 365 co-authoring
Can we improve office 365 co-authoring feature in PW Web as we see some loss and the document is getting lost or it is not even getting updated in the Audit trail if multiple person for office 365 co-authoring
Assign multiple reviewers to a review session, allow them to approve and markup in parallel. Identify which reviewers have approved and which haven't with audit report.
Portfolio Dashboard for Project Tasks -Issues - DM etc
For quick access to summary of Project Task - Issues- DM - another column on the Project Search Page with a symbol to show what was new and not been addressed